Hey ben, this is funnier then hell, right down to the stick slayer size changing. Very well done, think you could give me a reply? I love when people reply to my post. Just a thought.
Hey ben, this is funnier then hell, right down to the stick slayer size changing. Very well done, think you could give me a reply? I love when people reply to my post. Just a thought.
Merry Christmas!
So, how does it feel to be the one positive review in ten? The funny thing is, this is still my most-viewed movie. Thanks!
this brings back a bad memorie
I had a guy try to kill himself while he was drunk last year. A guy sorta like the one you portray. I bet he wouldn't slit his wrist and guess what the stupid fuck did? Nothing like spending a night in jail for assisted suicide. Dr. Death would of been proud.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, though I appreciate your review... this demonstrates the universality of alcoholics, and the things you say ... thanks for your review!
Holy shit!!
Oh my god dude!! Sir, i bow to you. For your first flash you did ETREMELY well!! You did better then some people who have been doing it for awhile. Fucking great job!!
well I saw how lame some flashes were, like link vs megaman, and I said to myself "a newbie could do better then that!", and here I am. o_0
Thanks for voting, PrinceNova! (This is late)
Thanks for voting, PrinceNova!
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thats why I never will voice act
Kid, if you didn't voice act this might of been better, oh well. Good job for a first try.
Thanks for not completely crushing my self of steam. From the reviews on this animation i probably get my brothers to do the voices for me.
Toilet or Martini Glass?
was that a Toilet or a Martini glass? It looked like mario was using the Martini glass as a toilet. Please let me know soon or ill be up all night on it.
It was a toilet man, Yeah, i know it looked pretty bad, but I drew it on photoshop and I didn't want to spend too much time on it. I'll refine my toilet drawing bitmap technique, but i don't think there'll be a toilet for a while, or ever. Thanks for the score.
This was rather painful to watch
That was so incredibly boring. I don't know why I even bother watching it all. Maybe I actually thought that something would happy? Wade, you will never be able to do anything like your brother so give it up.
Uh, did I say I was tyring to do anytihng like my brother? I put this together in an afternoon. Tom spends months slaving over his projects, and working with great artists. I'm not trying to even attempt to compete with what he's doing. :) This is just something fun and silly. Don't try and compare me to Tom, because I'm not even trying to challenge him. :) I just like to make silly stuff in Flash from time to time. 99% of the people submitting Flash to Newgrounds aren't as good as Tom, so should they all give up? You moron.
Never have I been so moved by such art.
I was moved by your peice of art here. I thought it had charector and meaning. I only wish myself could even do flash as good as that. Or even do flash. If I could do such a wonderful peice I would turn my story into flash. This was qite a peice of magnificant artwork here. Please keep up the good work sir.
Well thanks for the nice comments and very generous mark! It's been a mixed reaction of feelings from viewers. Though that score of 2.22/5 looks bad.
the clock crew
here is what I think of the clock crew, I like everyone one of use guys except :::drum roll please::: strawberry clock. That fact is that he puts almost no effort into his work and just post it up. The fact is I will never understand how it don't get banned off of here. The rest of the work of the clock crew is phenominal! Anyways good movie.
Strawberry Clock has become more of an idea than a person... at least that's what i think.
Joined on 8/25/01